Urban Soils & Roots
Our urban soils are altered in ways that they can be unfavorable for tree or root growth and development. These soils usually have a higher alkaline PH, which are compacted, low in organic matter, may be depleted of essential elements and have a reduced capability for water filtration. Having a plan that will emphasize practices early in the tree’s life to improve soil conditions will be more beneficial and economical than waiting till your established tree’s show signs of a problem. We can help you with a strategy for your landscape that promotes these methods: incorporating organic matter, aeration of compacted areas, proper mulching, improving drainage, adding ideal blends for your site of elements or amendments based on the soil testing.
NOTE: The unnatural yellow leaves that should be a healthy green for Pin Oak, Maple, and Birch Trees that you often see in our area are for the most part the result of our higher alkaline,construction modified soils in our landscapes.
Here is a list of a few things we come across routinely that can be damaging to the roots and harmful to your tree’s immediate or long term health:
- Improper root development from flawed nursery practices
- Improper planting methods
- Herbicide damage
- Weed barriers
- De Icing Salts
- Compaction by vehicles or pedestrians
- Construction damage
- Poor drainage
- Excessive or not enough moisture
- Soil fill on top of roots or against the tree,
Also, remember organic wood mulch covering the soil beneath the tree is much better than a rock mulch that heats the area or grass that competes for nutrients from the soil.